Meals on Wheels

Here’s an idea for investing in your out-of-town college students and their roommates/friends. (If they’re within driving distance, that is.) Meals on Wheels Stay with me on this one… That’s me on the right. I have a son named Daniel who attends a college a few hours away. He lives with sixteen wonderful young men. Yes, I said…


Thankfulness Tree

Here’s a simple idea for you and your family to do during the month of November, the week of Thanksgiving, or the day of Thanksgiving with friends and extended family gathered around. Thankfulness Tree and 21 Thankfulness Verses  21 Verses on Thankfulness With 21 days left until Thanksgiving, here are 21 verses you can read, discuss…


A Son’s Perspective on Parenting

A Son’s Perspective on Parenting On the blog today- an impromptu video of my oldest son answering questions. I hope you’ll find it valuable. Each month I open my home to teach women, mostly on the topic of parenting to the heart of the child. At the last Cultivate, while the women were scattered from room…


A Lullaby for My Girls

A little fun (and maybe a tear) for you on this Friday as I reminisce about a LULLABY. I was sitting at basketball practice, watching my two youngest -a middle schooler and a high schooler, when I got a text from their older sister – who is away at college. The text was simply this.…
