Psalm 15. How Well Do You Treat Others?

Do your walk, works, and words bear evidence of Christ in you? PSALM 15. In these five verses David asked the Lord, “Who is worthy to live in Heaven?” David knew that the only true blameless one is Jesus Christ. Although the men at that time wanted to base their righteousness on their adherence to the required law, David…


Psalm 14. Stubbornly Rejecting God

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”   PSALM 14.  This Psalm describes the heart and actions of a foolish person. Three types of fools are in the BIble, but the one mentioned in Psalm 14 is derived from the Hebrew word “nabal” and means someone who stubbornly rejects wisdom.  Nabal lived in the days of David…


Psalm 13. I Can’t Take It Any Longer!

Have you ever wanted to scream, “I can’t take it any longer!!”   PSALM 13. David did.  This Psalm is a gift to us! It shows us what David did when he was in turmoil and tired of an all-consuming, ever-returning trial. One-third of this six-verse chapter contains David’s intense plea for deliverance. He asks…


Psalm 12. Help! I’m Surrounded by Liars

What should we do when malicious liars surround us?   PSALM 12. This Psalm was written while David was being persecuted by Saul and faced with liars all around him. He knew this to be a dangerous situation. He complains directly to God with an opening phrase familiar to each of us. “Help, Lord!”  He empties all…
