The Out of Control Lady at the Drive Thru Window
Here’s a story of a woman in drive thru who gets the unofficial Doozy Award. What would you have done in this situation? Ponder on and share with your kids.
Here’s a story of a woman in drive thru who gets the unofficial Doozy Award. What would you have done in this situation? Ponder on and share with your kids.
Today’s our 30th wedding anniversary. I asked my husband what advice he had on having a “successful” marriage. His initial ridiculous reply is included… along with 30 “real,” easy-on-the-eye bullet points that we’d give our own kids to help them build selfless, long lasting marriages.
Do you find yourself too insecure to help others? You want to help, but feel inadequate. This is sure to be an AH HA moment that will help you confidently see and meet needs. 🙂
Want to know how to see needs? Want to raise kids who delight in blessing others through giving? Here’s a quick story and a message about a generous eye.
Have you ever traveled by plane, frustrated by someone’s loud children? Or perhaps you’ve been the parent stressed out with the rambunctious ones? Recently I took a trip across the USA to visit one of my adult children. From the back of the plane we all heard: Whining, demanding, fighting, name calling “Shhhhhh!” loudly, over the noise of…
For years, I’ve been opening my home once a month to teach women. Most often the topic is on some aspect of “parenting to the heart” of our children. “Parenting to the heart” means focusing on the heart not the outward appearance. Parenting to the heart involves dealing with the root of the sin in…