Have you ever wanted to scream, “I can’t take it any longer!!”
David did. This Psalm is a gift to us! It shows us what David did when he was in turmoil and tired of an all-consuming, ever-returning trial. One-third of this six-verse chapter contains David’s intense plea for deliverance. He asks “How long?” not once, but four times. “How long? How long? How long? How long?” Surely, we can relate to his cry for relief. Surely, we have also felt like, “That’s enough, Lord!”
Feeling overlooked and forgotten. Complaining, impatient, miserable, abandonment fears, anguish, anxiety, feeling hopeless and tired, left to navigate alone. David’s real, raw emotions are on display. That’s why this psalm is such a gift. It shows us that God wants to hear our despair. Although he is already aware of our thoughts, a beautiful transformation takes place in our hearts as we release our toxic strongholds directly to him.
David ruminates on his exhausting predicament. We do the same. In our quandary, we recap, rehash, and replay every difficult and unfair scenario. This impassioned movie may be all internal, allowing bitterness to take root and fears to reign. Or, perhaps our inclination is to spew the details of our miserable situation to friends, wanting validation of our attitude in this hardship. On a side note, if we are the listening friend, wake up! A good friend listens, has compassion, yet lovingly helps to see through spiritual lens. Saying nothing to illuminate promotes the dangerous spiral of wrong-thinking and enables sinking in the quicksand of harmful emotions. Whether we are inclined to internalize our emotions or spout it all to friends, Psalm 13 shows where the true turnaround of the heart happens.
David exposes the ugliness in his heart before God. Why, then, do we as believers sometimes think we need to suppress, soften, or tiptoe when talking with God? We can come to him bare, broken, desperate, and completely honest. His unconditional love will meet us where are. Our ugliness will be exchanged for his beauty, our weakness for his strength, and our thoughts for his. Our friendship with him is deepened as we trust him with our all.
David empties himself and then he declares, “But in You I trust.” This is the moment transformation begins. This is the pattern we see over and over in Psalms.
- Empty all emotions directly to God
- Declare, “BUT IN YOU I TRUST”
- Experience heart transformation. Evidenced through perspective change, faith increased, confidence, praising and rejoicing
Wow! Look at these “turnarounds” in David’s heart revealed in this one chapter.
❤️ complaining ➣ rejoicing/singing
❤️ turmoil ➣ tranquility
❤️ impatience ➣ endurance
❤️ anxiety ➣ sureness
❤️ abandonment ➣ security in God’s steadfast love
❤️ questioning ➣ confidence
In the final verse, David joyfully retracts his complaints. He praises how “God has dealt bountifully” with him. This is the same God at work in our lives today. He has not forgotten. We can trust his plan.
Isaiah 49:15-16. “… Surely, they may forget, yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands…”
I share a personal story identifying with David’s plea to God. My daughter was kicked in the head and what followed was a nightmare. You can read about it HERE.
Dear Lord, I pray for ____ (self, spouse, specific child, friend) to know you intimately. When times are exhausting and he wonders how long this suffering will last, that he will run into your arms. That he will feel safe in emptying all of his thoughts, emotions, and replaying of scenarios to you. That he will then declare, “but in You I trust.” May his heart be transformed and his mind be equipped with your spiritual perspective. Though the hardship remain, may he walk confidently through it, knowing your plan and timing are perfect and that you are doing a good work in him. May this experience be used to strengthen his faith, be evidence of spiritual maturity, and used to speak of You.
Rhonda mayyouexperienceGodbountifullydealingwithyou ellis