Where can our anxious hearts truly find rest?
PSALM 4 is so beautiful, demonstrating how DISTRESS can be replaced with rest, joy, peace, relief, and how ANGER and a desire to retaliate can be replaced with self control and a quiet spirit. Our human emotions can turn around. The pattern seen in Psalms is to pour out our hearts directly to God, then declare “but in you I trust,” and watch as a transformation deep within our hearts takes place. This “turnaround of the heart” is incredible and available to all who commune with God. In this Psalm alone we see these changes in David’s heart.
❤︎ Distress ➣ relief, peace
❤︎ Grief and sorrow ➣ joy and comfort
❤︎ Anger ➣ self-control, not sin
❤︎ Desire for revenge ➣ quiet heart
❤︎ Anxious ➣ rest, deep sleep
Dear Lord, I pray today for ___ (myself, husband, specific child, friend) that his anxious heart would be given fully to you… that he would go to you first, and through conversing with you find boldness and rest. That a habit would be developed of recognizing distress, anxiety, and anger and then laying it at your feet, and choosing to trust in your sovereignty. May he experience the beautiful turnaround of the heart replacing anxiety with rest, fear with safety. May he put his trust in you, lie down and experience peace in sleeping deeply, and dwell in the protection of your arms. May he have a fervent desire to know you intimately and have joy even in difficult circumstances because of walking with you.
Rhonda prayingforthosewhoreadthisrightnow ellis