That’s what my recent Facebook post said. And many laughed. Of course, that’s why I posted it. I love laughter.
I seem to find humor in moments of awkwardness.
But on a serious note…speaking of self-worth…
I’m glad that God’s focus is on our hearts not our images that we often try so hard to attain or maintain.
I Samuel 16:7 (ESV) “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
I Peter 5:5 (ESV) “Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humber.”
We’re going through life with the wrong focus. We’re looking at the external. We’re consumed with image. How did we get so far from Truth…when God spells out in His Word that His concern is our heart.
We spotlight our exterior, revealing our self-centered, image-minded hearts – like a must for lipstick before being in a photo or straight A’s to prove our self-worth. Like becoming obsessed with fitness (or fill in the blank) while we neglect feeding our souls or spending time with those we love. And are we really so vain that we refuse to go inside church when we spot two different styles of shoes on our feet as we exit our car? Yikes. Are we too proud to simply laugh and allow an opportunity for those who see us to laugh with us? We’re too tense, aren’t we. This image-stuff is exhausting to keep up. That’s why it’s so freeing, like a heavy burden lifted from our shoulders and laid down at the feet of Jesus, when we relinquish living for the approval of man.
As we put off self-focus to attain our self-worth and in its place put on humility we find grace and freedom from the pressures and imprisonment of perfectionism.
From the verses above, there are “put off/put on’s” that we can use to battle the idol of image and combat our tendency to be image-focused and status-achievers.
- put off pride; put on humility
- put off focus on our image; put on focus of the condition of our heart
- put off focus on pleasing man or self; put on focus on pleasing God
God gives grace to the humble. And it’s a wonderful place to be – to find our selfie-worthy I mean self-worth in the Lord Himself.
Rhonda hopeyou’velaughedandponderedtodayatmyselfie-worthyphoto ellis
Thanks for this post! I have so far to grow in this area. I had an opportunity to apply this principle yesterday when I realized I made it to the gym with my pants on inside out. I didn’t notice until I was leaving so my tag had been blowing in the wind behind me as I ran on the treadmill. 🙂
Kristi, I’m cracking up! That is HILARIOUS!! Thanks for sharing.