Do you Remember where you were on 9-11?
For me, it was a typical school-year Tuesday. We were at our friend Peggy’s home with other moms and their kids, maybe 50ish of us, doing our weekly homeschool co-op. I had six kids at the co-op, including an eight month old.
We had just finished our devotion, which is how we’ve started our Legacy morning for 16 years and counting. One mom (on a rotating basis) shares from her heart what she’s learning from Scripture, giving practical application. After that the children disperse all over the house for their different classes. Moms split up and teach separate classes or go enjoy much coveted time together. The teacher’s lounge, that is. (ie. the dining room). That’s where friendships were cultivated while sharing openly about life, talking and laughing and just hanging out.
This particular day, I had forgotten the baby’s diapers, so I did something that maybe I’ve only done a few times over all these years- I left the chattering of my friends to go to the store. Walmart, none the less. (I don’t like to miss anything, but a day without diapers was not a good thing…and I’m talking about for the baby, not me…at least not yet.)
Remembering 9-11. The Shock.
In the car, Talk Radio was on. The regular news was preempted by an emergency announcement. At 8:46 am it happened. “A plane has just crashed into the one of The Towers of The World Trade Center.” Shocked. Mouth dropped. Aghast. Staring wide-eyed. Unbelievable.
I immediately phoned my friend Peggy back at the co-op so they could gather everyone together and watch this unfolding on TV. Her husband had been on a flight at that time…not that flight, but imagine the burden and fright she felt as she scurried for details.
We were glued to the news. Shocked at what was taking place. We watched as people’s lives were being changed forever. The death toll would continue to rise as the weeks went on. We were not aware of how this would change the landscape of USA forever. Little did we realize at that moment that watching the news and continual updates would be our way of life. For the first time ever in our homeschooling journey, the TV stayed on all day during our schooling.
We gathered together by different age groups at co-op that day and prayed…all throughout Peggy’s home and yard. It was really quite beautiful to see this bonding and outpouring of prayer for our country, our leaders, and those impacted. We had no idea how this would play out, just experiencing real life responses to such tragedy. Addressing fear with prayer.
” I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone–for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiets lives in all godliness and holiness.” I Timothy 2:1-2
Remembering through Photo Albums.
I’m really thankful to have volumes of recorded memories in our photo albums.The written word, expressing feelings, thoughts, and details that would have been forgotten…there for us to remember. I think of how God says to “remember” and “to pass down to children and grandchildren…” that “they may know of His faithfulness and goodness.”
Remembering the Spiritual Aspects.
Today I pray for the families who lost loved ones and friends on 9-11. I pray for our leaders and for wisdom. I am thankful to be able to have direct access to our Heavenly Father who cares and wants our hearts shared directly with Him. He sways the hearts of those in charge. I am thankful we can trust.
I’ll be sharing an upcoming post about a friend whose anxiety was triggered in a huge way by another catastrophe. You don’t want to miss this scary and beautiful journey of the Lord at work through her depression and healing…and the unexpected blessings for those traveling with her during this sudden time of darkness..
Remembering Scripture.
One of my BPF’s, Stephanie, had this on her Facebook page this morning.
Today, while reading Psalm 9:11 and thanking God for His goodness and protection through these last 13 years since 9/11/01, I was struck by verses 10 and 13. Take a look. Our great God has not forsaken us. He will avenge…He remembers…I am thankful.

My friend Stephanie remembers 9-11 and Gods faithfulness with Psalm 9:10-13
How do you remember 9-11?
Great things are starting to take place in our little community over on my facebook page. Come join us.
Rhonda rememberingthatGodisfaithfulandworthytobepraised ellis
So many memories flood my mind when reading this post. 9/11 seems like it happened a life-time ago. So much has happened since then, not only in the life of our country, but in our lives as well. Ah…all those little ones, most of whom are now adults except for the youngest class. We were blessed to have all been together on that fateful morning.
Peggy, thank you for your comments and encouragement. Also, thank you for opening your home for soooo many years and making this bond possible. Your hospitality has truly influenced hundreds of people and even thousands. Love you, my BFBPF. hahaha.