Pauletta and Timothia

Hebrews 13:7 reads, “Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith.”  

By Mel

While in college pursuing a major in primary education, I was granted the unique privilege of working within the walls of the Ellis household. During those years I assisted Mrs. Rhonda in homeschooling some of her children (Kelsey, Laura, Heather, +1 cousin). In addition, I taught them how to effectively wash windows, properly vacuum, and fold their delicates. In doing so, I became somewhat of a mentor to Mrs. Rhonda’s kiddos, all the while she was mentoring me. That’s what’s up!

Most of the time, I intentionally stayed beyond my working hours in hopes of gaining more insight into disciplining children, respectfully welcoming a father/ husband home from a demanding day of work, as well as how to have transparent discussions at the dinner table while dining in and out.

Despite Mrs. Rhonda’s intense schedule, she selflessly sacrificed her time to hear my heart (a figure of speech, you understand). She invested in me by asking what the Lord was currently teaching me, how I was dreaming big for Him, and welcomed any feedback about ways in which a typical homeschool day could be more successful. Our back porch ponderings became quite transparent and my tears became a usual ritual (in case you’re wondering, I’m a beautifully ugly crier).  Due to our intentionality, the most spectacular friendship/ mentorship transpired, one in which only God could have graciously orchestrated.

Time traveled and I graduated from the University of North Florida and landed a teaching position at Ramona Boulevard Elementary. Even though I was no longer working alongside Mrs. Rhonda and her extraordinary kiddos, the intentionality continued (as did my tears). We became quite a duo as we daily lifted up the other in prayer and sought to Biblically edify the other. Isn’t that the goal of friendship, pointing others to Christ?

As always, the story thickened. God, in His sovereignty, allowed Mrs. Rhonda to endure a hardship. Nonetheless, it was one in which she was humbled and He alone was magnified. Our roles shifted and the Lord prompted me to be the hands and feet of Christ to her as she had been for me throughout the years.

Stay tuned as we share this particular frightening moment in time, as well as various other moments in the lives of our relationship as Pauletta and Timothia. (taken from Paul and Timothy in the Bible, you understand).


All in all, praise be to God for Mrs. Rhonda and for mentors everywhere who are responding in obedience to training the next generation (Titus 2).

Are you a mentor? Do you have a mentor?

If so, please share below the blessings of your mentorship.

  1. Melody Holland

    Mel what a beautiful tribute to our amazing friend!!! You two are a picture of exactly what Titus 2 teaches.

  2. Mel

    Melody, thanks for reading! She is quite amazing, isn’t she? SO thankful for mentors all over the land & this includes you.

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