Read, Laugh, Ponder, Learn, Share, Comment

The cancer journey. In my son’s own words.

He wouldn’t have chosen this journey of cancer, but he’s thankful for it. My 22 year-old son shares his thoughts in the #danielkickscancer journey, after completing six months of chemo and beginning 20 rounds of proton therapy.   Thank you for praying for him.   I present to you, his Facebook post, some photos, a thought-provoking question, and a great video…

Psalm 9. Praising in DIfficult Times

What’s your default mindset when walking through difficulty?   PSALM 9. This psalm, written by David who endured suffering and fearful situations more intense than we may ever experience, shows his resolute mindset in the opening words, “I WILL GIVE THANKS to the Lord with my WHOLE heart. I WILL RECOUNT all of your marvelous…

Psalm 11. When Tempted to Distrust God in Crisis

Where did David’s courage come from? PSALM 11. David wrote this Psalm while he was being persecuted by Saul, who was seeking to kill him. David’s friends told him to escape this danger by fleeing like a bird to a mountain. But, David when tempted to distrust God in a frightening crisis, recognized their advice to be…

PET scan update from #danielkickscancer himself

PET SCAN UPDATE FROM ‪#‎danielkickscancer‬ himself: Hello friends! Quick update that I thought you would like to hear! Tomorrow I am going in for my 6th chemo treatment. Two weeks ago we got the results from a PET scan that showed how my body has responded to the first two treatment cycles (2 months). Dr.…

Nurse Appreciation Week. Honoring Others.

NURSE APPRECIATION WEEK was during Daniel’s Eleventh Chemo. We wanted to honor the chemo infusion nurses and staff who have cared so well for Daniel during these past six months of his battle with cancer.  Here’s how we did it. Thanks to all who helped in loving them well.   MY PRAYER: From the very beginning…

Chemo Round Twelve. Groomsmen, Thankfulness, and Takeaways

In his final chemo, friends were asked to be groomsmen. But wait, there’s more. I’m sharing a thankfulness list, lessons gleaned, a sneak peek of how we chose to celebrate the conclusion of his six-month chemotherapy infusion treatment plan, and what’s next in this #danielkickscancer journey.   THANKFUL FOR COMPANY DURING CHEMO: In Daniel’s own words from a Facebook post, he…

Chemo Round Ten: Ice Cream, Gifts, and Reflections

Chemo Round Ten involved handing out ice cream, rejoicing over final chemos, touching conversations, receiving gifts, and reflecting on some note-worthy parenting.   I’m Rhonda, inviting you to peer inside our #danielkickscancer journey, shared with permission by Daniel, my 22 year-old, soccer-loving, Hodgkins Lymphoma-battling son. (logo and photo credit to his sister Alexis)   Today was the tenth chemo. Two…

Chemo Round Six: Exhausted

CHEMO ROUND SIX: EXHAUSTED ‪#‎danielkickscancer‬ You probably saw that last week we received awesome news of Daniel’s recent PET scan. 80-90% of cancer cells gone! Yay! Double yay! Today’s chemotherapy infusion marks the halfway point in the twelve rounds of Daniel’s treatment plan. As you know, this is most often referred to simply as “chemo.”…

Chemo Round Seven. The Waiting Room

Chemo Round Seven had a different feel. Only two guests were allowed at a time. Daniel was super nauseous. We distributed chicken nuggets to chemo patients, and we were moved by conversations in the waiting room. This chemo began the second half of Daniel’s treatment plan of twelve cycles. His white blood cell count was low which…

Chemo Round Nine. College Roommates and the Nurse who Cried

Chemo Round Nine included a visit from college roommates, lemon drop candy, and tears from a nurse. With permission from my 22 year-old son battling Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, I’m sharing our #danielkickscancer journey, desiring to educate, ease fears, make you more comfortable in conversations about cancer, know ways to help others, and mostly…  to proclaim firsthand that as we trust…