![Psalm 16. My Heart is Glad – Even When Facing Death](https://cultivatingahome.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/16rev.jpg)
![Psalm 16. My Heart is Glad – Even When Facing Death](https://cultivatingahome.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/16rev.jpg)
How can my heart be glad during trials or even in the face of death?
David was faced with trials all around him, including people out to kill him. I don’t think that our situations really can compare to the degree of dependence on God that David needed to emotionally and physically survive. Yet, we do face overwhelming trials where fear consumes our mind and anxiety debilitates us. This Psalm shows how David had supernatural peace that replaced his anxiety. He continuously identified his fears, emotions, weaknesses, and consuming, fears and then shared them with God.
The pattern seen over and over in Psalms that causes the “turnaround of the heart”
- Emptying all emotions directly to God until there is nothing more to identify
- Claiming “But in You I trust.” (the words may vary, but the constant is expressing allegiance to God, choosing to trust God, not self)
- Viewing situation through new lens – situation may not change, but perspective does as it is viewed through God being in control
- Experiencing a turnaround of the heart resulting in direct opposite emotions (fear turned to confidence; anxiety to peace, etc)
- Worshiping God through expressing specific observations about God’s character, power, and splendor
WOW!!!! The Psalms are so applicable still today – I mean, you’re either facing a trial now or will be at some point. Guaranteed. Thank you God for the Psalms and our how-to guide for handling every raw human emotion. You have never failed to turnaround my weary heart when I have come to you just as David did, emptying self in exchange for YOU!
Look at these “turnarounds of the heart” evidenced in David’s writings:
❤︎ “Preserve me!” ➣ “God is my refuge”
❤︎ Troubled ➣ contented
❤︎ Worried about the unknown ➣ confidence in God’s care
❤︎ Overwhelmed ➣ peaceful
David’s confident stance in danger happened by trusting only God for deliverance, seeking his counsel by night and seeing his promises by day. Please note: It wasn’t a one time deal where he never battled emotions again. Over and over and over again… as needed…His overwhelming feelings were replaced with an unexplainable confidence in God. That’s why he’s called a “man after God’s own heart,” and that’s WHY his relationship with God was so incredibly deep. He KNEW he could trust God in the battles of life and he entrusted his all to him.
Friend, don’t be discouraged that you are battling _____ emotion again today. (anger, fear, depression, rejection, desire to revenge… You fill in the blank.) Seriously. Spill out your fears, ugliness, your deepest pain, that emotion that continues to creep right back into the forefront of your thoughts controlling your mind and debilitating you. God is not surprised. He is all-knowing. He loves you and longs for you to come to him and trust him only. Your beautiful friendship with him will grow and grow. You.will.be.amazed.
Look at these incredible blessings David reaped, seen in just this one Psalm.
- He was confident with God as the leader
- He was content in God’s care
- His soul’s communion with God brought an inner spiritual wisdom revealed in quiet times
- He lived out evidence of a true faith
- He rejected self-righteousness
- His heart was grateful, delighting in the Lord
- His whole being rejoiced at God’s goodness and the hope of eternal life – even though the situation was the same
- He personally experienced that God does not abandon him
- He was calm and had an unexplainable peace that passes all human understanding
- He created a default of addressing the Mighty God in his own state of weakness
- He delighted in doing God’s will
- His heart overflowed with joy as he understood the presence of God
- His perspective was eternal,
- His heart was teachable, invited counsel from God
- He was unshakeable
- He had endurance
Yes! Yes, friend. Even when facing death, David’s heart was made glad through his communion and trust in God. This same God will meet you right where you are today and give you confidence, contentment, and even joy through whatever you’re going through. Commune with him.
Dear Lord, I pray for _____ (specific child, friend, spouse, self) that he would delight to do your will. I pray his soul would commune with you and that in the stillness of the night you, bringing an inner spiritual wisdom. I thank you for readily giving your counsel. May he walk with confidence and contentment through difficulties and even when facing death. May his resolve be, “I will bless the Lord.”
Rhonda mayGodmeetyourightwhereyouaretoday ellis
Thank you Rhonda for your words of encouragement!
Lee Anne, I am really enjoying this study. I love hearing how the same truth meets people in their various scenarios. Love you, friend!
More of God on my life!