![Psalm 14 Stubbornly rejecting God](https://cultivatingahome.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Screen-Shot-2017-03-01-at-10.19.16-AM.png)
![Psalm 14 Stubbornly rejecting God](https://cultivatingahome.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Screen-Shot-2017-03-01-at-10.19.16-AM.png)
The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
This Psalm describes the heart and actions of a foolish person. Three types of fools are in the BIble, but the one mentioned in Psalm 14 is derived from the Hebrew word “nabal” and means someone who stubbornly rejects wisdom. Nabal lived in the days of David (I Sam 25) and was harsh and evil and turned his back to God. His name actually means “foolish.” (Don’t name your next child Nabal.)
A foolish person:
- May reject the notion of God’s existence
- May believe there is a God, but thinks God takes no interest in human affairs
- Doesn’t think God will hold people accountable for his actions
This type of fool is corrupt in his living and wants to be rid of God (Elohim) as the moral Governor. He wants to be left alone – left to his own decisions and folly. His target at which the arrows of human wrath are shot is God as the ruler, lawgiver, and Savior. His hatred may be toward believers, but ultimately his mind is at war with God himself.
That is the insanity. A fool rejects his Maker and is enslaved, yet the very One he has hardened his heart to loves him and wants to set him free.
Charles Spurgeon wrote, “Hatred of God and a corrupt life are motivators that produce persecution. People without saving knowledge of divine things become slaves of impurity. They have no heart to cry to the Lord for deliverance, but seek to amuse themselves devouring God’s people.”
This Psalm continues to say that fools live in fear. They are scoffers and prey on believers in difficulty, mocking and saying, “What can your God do now?” Their anger reveals their hatred and rejection of Christ Their aim is at God himself. But, this Psalm says that God is a refuge for those attacked by the foolish. It also says Beware, God is righteous and will deal justly with the fool according to his plan and in his timing.
There are those like Paul (I Cor 12:7-10), who have a “the thorn in their flesh” that is a daily struggle. This may be a desire they have begged God to remove, yet it remains. Tired of the exhausting fight over temptation, they reject God and run with their sin. Their hope is that denying God brings freedom to indulge.
There are those who have been hurt so deeply that they shake their fists at God and deny his existence. They reject God’s love and question his sovereignty. Their angry heart spews out venomous profanity, attackeven spitting in the face of God, and. They think there is freedom in denying Christ, yet their bitterness enslaves them.
A fool pridefully rejects Christ. A wise man humbly accepts Christ as Savior.
For the “thorn in the flesh” person. Humbly seek God. Confess your sin and put your faith in Christ. Trust God’s plan for your life. He is at work in your life for your good and his glory. This may or may not include removing your “thorn.” This persistent hardship may be the very thing God uses in your spiritual maturity, to refine your heart, build endurance, and to display his character to you. You can have peace and freedom with Christ no matter the difficulty. God may be preparing you with the compassion and wisdom to help others in similar situations.
For the person angry from a deeply painful life event. Run to God, submit your hardened heart, and ask forgiveness. Accept Christ as your Savior. Share all of your heartache, hurts and anger. He cares and will be your Comforter. In his sovereignty, his plans look different than we would choose, but he is a good God and is doing incredible work in your heart and life. From your greatest suffering can be your greatest blessing. A life with Christ will produce the freedom to release and forgive. Your life event can be used to boast of God’s grace in helping you through it. Your pain can be used to help others. God doesn’t waste a crisis.
Dear God, I pray for ____ (self, spouse, specific friend, child) to recognize his rejection of you as God and accept you as his Savior. May his relationship with you be one of deep trust, emptying all of his thoughts and emotions to you and accepting the work you are doing in his heart. May his formerly hardened heart be a beautiful testimony of your forgiveness, grace, and love. May he trust that you are working in his life for his good, and may his hurts and your care for him be used to make much of You.
Rhonda prayingforthosewhohaverejectedtoknowGod ellis