Are you in a storm? Is difficulty on the horizon? Your future unknown, provisions uncertain, and the path frightening? What’s your default mindset?


That’s right where the disciples were in Mark 6:45-52.




They were alone, at night, in a boat, with violent downdrafts and sudden gusts of winds.


They had just witnessed the miracle of Jesus feeding 5000 people from five loaves of bread and two fish. They had personally experienced his provisions. And then Jesus had sent them on their way, on a boat, while he stayed and prayed.


YET… when the very next unsteady situation was in sight, their default was…



He just demonstrated they could trust and yet they feared.


Jesus knew they were afraid, and from the shore he walked on water to them. He assured them, “Do not be afraid, for it is I.” He got into the boat with them and the winds ceased.


Mark 6:52 says “for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened.”


What? They didn’t understand about the loaves?!


They. Were. Right. There.


They saw Jesus’ power to meet needs. They saw there was no need for worry.


And what’s more… previously, they had been on a boat during a storm, cried out to Jesus, and personally experienced the calm.


Yet, their go-to mindset and reaction in a moment of potential crisis was fear.


Isn’t that just. like. us.


We, too, have experienced God’s provisions and say He is worthy to be trusted. But, the moment we can’t control or fix something, our default is fear.


Each fearful experience is an opportunity to battle the default mindset. It’s an opportunity to show faith as tiny as a mustard seed, and dialogue with Christ, intentionally choosing to trust

  • I TRUST YOU, even though the future is unknown and I’m scared
  • I TRUST YOU, even though I want to fix
  • I TRUST YOU, even though this seems bigger than me
  • I TRUST YOU, even though this is not the path I would have chosen


Then as our faith grows, so does the way in which we progress through the difficulty. With confidence, we invite him to work in us and through us.

  • I TRUST YOU to be with me through the storm
  • I TRUST YOU to grow me in character through this
  • I TRUST YOU for provisions
  • I TRUST YOU to develop in me awareness, compassions, and passions in this
  • I TRUST YOU in giving me this exact situation as a way to know you more


When our default is to trust God, our viewpoint through storms is to:

  • Focus on God, not Self
  • Know Him more
  • Develop character
  • Conquer fear, anxiety, and learn to trust
  • Watch him provide in miraculous ways
  • Grow in patience and faith
  • Experience peace in the midst of a storm
  • Proclaim God’s faithfulness through in, not just when it’s over


Friend, do you feel alone in a sea of uncertainty, fearful of the storm coming? Is FEAR your default reaction to not being in control?


Surrender the desire to control. Find rest in the default of trust.

Relaxing in enos along the river bank

Rhonda heisworthytobetrusted ellis


Join me on social media at therhondaellis.  You can also follow my son’s cancer journey with keyword #danielkickscancer.