Community. The Overused Buzzword.
The Lord has really been stirring in my heart about this whole new buzzword “Community.”
I know it’s overused and maybe even misused, but I can attest that this is not a new thought for me. In fact, God has been at work for years causing me to ponder on this whole concept of true community – deep fellowship with like-minded believers. I’ve also wrestled with thoughts as I drive past my neighbors…am I invested in my community? Or do I drive past them, busily about my agenda…and a good one, at that. Hmm.
I happen to be reading this great book by Jerry Bridges called True Community. (Thanks Mel). It’s stretched my mind and confirmed many things on my heart about what true fellowship looks like and what God intends the body of Christ to be.
So… I added to my prayer life, “Lord, let me be used however you desire to bring about deepening of relationships. Let me see through fresh eyes your perspective of giving and doing in my own neighborhood.”
And, as an idea comes to mind, BOOM! I try to respond with “Yes, Lord. Here I am send me.” Well, that’s how they responded in the Bible, but mine is more like, “Okay, Lord. I’m on it,” followed by an immediate trust and obedience.
“And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16
The (Pizza) Delivery.
A neighborhood friend sent a group text announcing the official opening of our new neighborhood Little Caesars, a small pizza stand inside the local community gas station/convenience store. We kind of live in the country, so this indeed was a BIG day. There was an excitement in the air!
Immediately upon receiving her text announcing this news of epic proportion, it happened… BOOM! “Buy some pizzas and deliver them to your neighbors.” I called and ordered 10 boxes.
Ten minutes later, we set out to pick up the pizzas and make the deliveries…right there in our community…to some old friends and some brand new friends. (Get this… TWO of the families I called had ALREADY ordered and eaten pizza from that little pizza place that day. (Sorry Paula and Joann). I’m tellin’ you, the opening of Little Caesars was big time news in our neck of the woods.
Here are some pictures of our special delivery.

When I got home I texted this family and asked for a picture. They wanted to show the pizza was already gone.

I asked this family to send a picture. This was their creative representation of being excited about the delivery.
” Sharing our possessions with others should be a natural consequence of our realization that biblical fellowship denotes both a relationship and a partnership. Paul says that all parts of the body should have concern for one another… It’s a tangible recognition that we are in a community relationship with one another …Paul envisioned a continual flow of believers’ possessions to (to each other) and this is an important expression of true community.” from Jerry Bridges in his book True Community,
So I ask you today…do you want to invest into community? It’s really fun to walk with the Lord, communing with Him in your mind throughout the day, saying, “Show me who. Show me where. Show me when. Show me how. Use me Lord.” And then the second an idea pops into your mind of a way to bless, respond with “Yes, Lord.”
Share a quick, creative, random idea that promotes “community.”
Coming up… a blog post in which I share about my neighbors one by one, unbeknownst to each other, dropping their agenda to come to my rescue. True Community.
Rhonda pardonmewhileIgoeatapieceofpizza ellis
Love this Rhonda! A friend of mine shared a great idea about how to respond to people we often see holding cardboard signs asking for money or help. Well, I decided to try to implement it. Today. I went into Target and bought some small paper bags, a protein bar and a water bottle. I knew there was a man in a wheelchair holding a cardboard sign asking for help near the Target entrance. I quickly wrote on the bag “You are special, Jesus loves you. John 3:16”.
I put the food, water and $2 in the bag but unfortunately by the time I left the store, he was gone! I was disappointed but know God must have different plans for my “goodie bag”. I plan to keep a stash of bags in my car for the next time I encounter someone in need.
Thanks for sharing this idea, Grace!
Won’t you be my neighbor??
Mr. Rogers would be proud of you, as am I. This is a splendid idea.
It was lots of fun. Mr. Rogers would have joined us had he been here.