Six years ago I was invited to join a friend at Ladies Night Out. A precious sister in Christ had opened her home to ladies to come share a meal, to fellowship with one another and hear Rhonda Ellis speak. What a wonderful time of sharing hearts with women desiring a deeper walk with the Lord. Most of the women were young mothers but what I heard that night applied to all women no matter their stage in life. Rhonda spoke about character qualities, training ahead, setting the tone of your home and how God’s word must be used in all we do. The way in which she made practical application of God’s word was like none I had ever heard. When she begin to wrap up her session, I was astonished she had been speaking for 45 minutes. I didn’t want it to end!!! What started as an invite to an event has ended with a wonderful friendship with this godly woman as well as a huge supporter of her ministry. I believe this world can be changed one home at a time and that God will use Rhonda to impact homes for His glory.