I started attending LNO/CAH about 7 years ago. It was a time in my life when the Lord had led me to be very intentional about discipling my children. I learned so much from Rhonda about having a peaceful home, nurturing relationships between siblings and parenting the heart of each child. She not only teaches wonderful truth from God’s Word but continually lives it out in the way she ministers to others. She is so gifted at allowing God to use her and listening to His still small voice to minister to those He puts in her path. She is always about the other person. She has so beautifully modeled this to me and my children. Every time I hear her speak I walk away with a nugget of godly wisdom. She has a real passion for leading women to love Christ supremely and model that to their children. Every mom would benefit greatly from her teaching on the home. It has been invaluable to me throughout the years and I am eternally grateful for the way her teaching as impacted my home.