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Take A Stroll…Slowly

Are you guilty, like me, of passing by your neighbors to keep up with the demands of a busy schedule?
My friends from other countries come to the states and one of the first observations is, “Where are the people? They drive home, into a garage, the door closes, and you never see them.”

Nurse Appreciation Week. Honoring Others.

NURSE APPRECIATION WEEK was during Daniel’s Eleventh Chemo. We wanted to honor the chemo infusion nurses and staff who have cared so well for Daniel during these past six months of his battle with cancer.  Here’s how we did it. Thanks to all who helped in loving them well.   MY PRAYER: From the very beginning…

Meals on Wheels

Here’s an idea for investing in your out-of-town college students and their roommates/friends. (If they’re within driving distance, that is.) Meals on Wheels Stay with me on this one… That’s me on the right. I have a son named Daniel who attends a college a few hours away. He lives with sixteen wonderful young men. Yes, I said…

Loving Well a Friend in Sin

I was talking with a friend the other day… about loving well…. And what loving well looks like. Our situations were quite different, yet there were parallels in our journeys of desiring God to teach us what loving well looks like lived out. In each situation we were concerned about a Believer who was making…

Love Thy Neighbor…but How?

In the previous post, I encouraged you to take a stroll through your neighborhood and consider if you really know your neighbors. If so, great! If not, I pray you were challenged, like me, to be more intentional to not only know who your neighbors are, but to know them. If you have a spouse and/or…