Seems like I’ve been talking a lot about KNIVES lately. So, I might as well talk about this picture. It was taken at the same time as the photos from yesterday’s post. (see same outfit)

We are all getting ready for a partay at our home – a party for the youth. When it’s over, we anticipate that we will NOT want to cook dinner. LOL


She’s cutting up potatoes for a crock pot recipe for POTATO SOUP. She knew that we would not feel like cooking up another meal after the party, so on her own – with INITIATIVE, she offered to make this meal. See? Skills enabled her to have initiative. (’s more than that, but I wanted you to get the POINT (haha) that if we want our kids to help, we have to TRAIN them first. Otherwise we will keep saying things like, “Get out of the kitchen.” or “Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes. Go play.”  when you could be saying, “Hey, Suzie, come in here and cut the potatoes while I cut the onions…”

This child’s been using a KNIFE  since she was a young thang (I don’t remember the age, but I bet it’s recorded somewhere in my scrapbooks) .. And, consequently. she’s been scaring people who unknowingly admit by their expressions, body language, and words that their kids aren’t trusted with knives when they say things like, “Oh!  Here, let me help you…” or  “Honey, you shouldn’t have a knife” -not realizing she is completely responsible with it and that I AM COMPLETELY fine with her having it.. under the right circumstances, that is.

To begin: TALK with them about the knife, pointing out the dangers of it, how to hold it,an d when to use/not use it.  Then, DEMONSTRATE, “I’m going to cut this banana into slices for my cereal.” DEMONSTRATE, making sure they can SEE the knife and the banana being sliced. Make sure your hand is NOT blocking them. (I mean it. Many people don’t realize their viewpoint is much different than the viewpoint of a child. Put your face down next to your child’s and check from their perspective.  Then say,  “Now, I want you to learn.”  Then, teach… calmly coach.

Here are a few tips that I’ve found SUPER helpful when TEACHING a child:

TEACHING TIP ONE:  The child should hold the item.

TEACHING TIP TWO:  The child should be able to SEE THEIR hand and the process of what you are teaching them. In other words, DON’T BLOCK THEIR VIEW.  This means, in the case of teaching to use a knife, stand BEHIND their back (or slightly behind their back) with your front to their back with your right arm around the right side of their body, holding their hand.

TEACHING TIP THREE: Use the same voice you would use if you were talking with your friend.  Kids learn to communicate on an adult level being communicated with on an adult level.

You know what- teaching takes some time up front, but the investment is worth it.

Rhonda itwon’tbelongbeforeYOURchildwillbeaHELPinthekitchen ellis