For many, remembering the past is painful. So difficult, in fact, that memories are kept locked deep inside. Often, we aren’t aware of the significance of our journey and the hand of God at work. Our own family members don’t realize how the events and memories have played a part in shaping the whole person – our priorities, convictions, resolve, the way we parent(ed), and even certain causes in which we are passionate.
As Believers, we are actually called to “remember and not forget.”
My extended family got together this week to do just that – to remember. In just a few hours of time, centered around lunchtime at my parents’ home, my parents, brothers, and our families shared openly a little of our “journeys” in life. We laughed. We cried.
Join me as share this experience over at my friend’s blog, LisaAppelo.com. Lisa’s a sweet friend, recent widow, mom to seven, and fellow blogger. You’ll enjoy her gentle spirit as her heart’s desire in writing is to share of God’s faithfulness in all things.
With permission from my precious mother, I share THE REST of this beautiful story Overcoming a Painful Past at Lisa’s website as a guest blogger. May God be honored and praised. May hearts be open to transparent communication within families. May eyes see and lips proclaim God’s faithfulness. May generations hear of His faithfulness.
Psalm 147: 3-5, “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. He counts the stars and calls them by name. How great is our Lord with limitless strength; we’ll never comprehend what He knows and does.”
After you go to Lisa’s website and read my mom’s story, come back over here to read tomorrow’s post, Creating a Calm and Peaceful Home.

My beautiful parents who, with great resolve, sought with their whole hearts to build a family and home centered on the Lord. I love you Mom and Dad.
Rhonda Happy74thbirthdaytothewomanIcallBlessed ellis
Precious! Thank you for sharing testimony of the transforming love of Christ, and the hope He brings!