God is bringing many avenues together to spread the word of your ministry…videos, testimonials, FB, blogs, speaking engagements. You are touching many lives.
As a follower of Christ, my desire is to always grow in my relationship with Him and with others. So, when I heard about a Bible Study for young moms, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. A great meal, fellowship with other women and studying God’s word had to be great, right? I had no idea how these monthly meetings would impact my life and those around me. I minister to college students and began to realize that what I was learning through Rhonda’s teachings, I was able to pass on to these students and use in my life personally. God is using Rhonda to touch lives of people she doesn’t even know because of the seeds she plants that are shared with friends, family and those we minister to. Whether it’s discipline, people skills, training ahead, parenting to the heart, traditions, quiet times, evaluation of personalities and character traits, these special sessions are for women of all ages, married, single, children, no children, grandmothers. She truly gives the “gift that keeps on giving.
I like coming to Cultivating a Home because it’s like being mentored.
Cultivate plowed into so many areas of my life. Words of wisdom
like the following challenged me to reshape my thinking and prune my
-Molding your child’s character is far greater than grooming them for
academic/athletic success.
-Make Sundays special. It is the Lord’s day. Use those glass-encased
dishes. Create memories and aromas that will waft throughout your
-Ask for help! You are not equipped to be single, married or parent on
your own.
I am thankful for the ministry to women that Rhonda lovingly leads. I
pray many hearts, minds and lives will be transformed by Rhonda as she
uses the power of God’s Word seasoned with wit, sincerity and openness.
Six years ago I was invited to join a friend at Ladies Night Out. A precious sister in Christ had opened her home to ladies to come share a meal, to fellowship with one another and hear Rhonda Ellis speak. What a wonderful time of sharing hearts with women desiring a deeper walk with the Lord. Most of the women were young mothers but what I heard that night applied to all women no matter their stage in life. Rhonda spoke about character qualities, training ahead, setting the tone of your home and how God’s word must be used in all we do. The way in which she made practical application of God’s word was like none I had ever heard. When she begin to wrap up her session, I was astonished she had been speaking for 45 minutes. I didn’t want it to end!!! What started as an invite to an event has ended with a wonderful friendship with this godly woman as well as a huge supporter of her ministry. I believe this world can be changed one home at a time and that God will use Rhonda to impact homes for His glory.
Rhonda Ellis is an amazing and godly young woman, wise beyond her years. She has a very practical and yet biblical approach to the Word of God and uses it to bring great understanding to the lives of her audience, especially in regards to parenting. I have heard her speak on numerous occasions and her humor blended with her knowledge of God’s Word and practical application of the Word of God to the lives of women and mothers is incredible. She is able to keep everyone fully engaged and the truths she shares speak to every stage of a woman’s life and every phase of motherhood. She is a speaker that is often requested again and again by the ladies as she connects so well with her audience.
Women's Ministry Director at First Baptist Jacksonville, FL
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