Older Siblings Investing in Younger Ones
Parents can help in teaching older siblings to invest their time and love into the lives of younger siblings. Here are some ideas.
Parents can help in teaching older siblings to invest their time and love into the lives of younger siblings. Here are some ideas.
In the previous post, I encouraged you to take a stroll through your neighborhood and consider if you really know your neighbors. If so, great! If not, I pray you were challenged, like me, to be more intentional to not only know who your neighbors are, but to know them. If you have a spouse and/or…
Are you guilty, like me, of passing by your neighbors to keep up with the demands of a busy schedule?
My friends from other countries come to the states and one of the first observations is, “Where are the people? They drive home, into a garage, the door closes, and you never see them.”
Here’s a little food for thought about seeing ministry through the eyes of those we’re intending to help.
Your family can have a unique ministry based on the members within it. You have varied strengths, talents, skills, gifts, interests, passions, and even pains. Here’s how to involve your family in dreaming big for Christ.
I’ve been talking about the overall spiritual diagnosis within your home for the express purpose of helping you see spiritual training as a your role…and a priority, at that. If you’ve missed any posts in this series, here they are for your review. Part 1 – Getting Your Priorities for the School Year… From God? Part…
I’ve been writing on making a game plan so that you are absolutely intentional to invest in the spiritual training of your family this school year (and the whole year, really). If you missed any of the previous posts in this series here the are: Part 1 – Getting Your Priorities for the School Year……
The Bible tells us to be intentional to teach our children about the Lord all day long. Just how do we do that? Here are some ideas for what can go into your specific family devotional time as well ways to sprinkle thoughts of the Lord throughout the day.
One of the passions Rhonda has on her heart is mentoring. Today we hear from Melissa, who worked in her home nearly 20 years ago and now is a mom herself and Rhonda’s assistant with Cultivating A Home.
This series is intended to help you think through and plan for your family’s priorities for this school year. My desire is for you to parent with purpose, vision, goals…to truly know the priorities for your family after seeking God first. Today I’m sharing with you about beautiful interaction that can take place between your siblings. When…